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Bingo bingo baby!

have you seen this person?

Maybe you have. If not, this is me! Hello, my name is Auzzie, but I also go by Adam, Swabber, Medkit, Cutiespace, Pawn, Theo, or Chocolateswab! Sometime’s I hop between fandoms, but I am incredibly interested in PHIGHTING!

Pronouns and Etc

How nice of you to check out my pronouns!

I go by any, but I don’t feel too comfortable with she/her.

I am gendervoid, assigned female at birth, but I prefer to be classified as male.


DNI: Pr0sh!ppers, z00s, under 9 or younger, 16+, toxic, gacha (heat)

Pls interact!!: Phighting, Sanrio/Hello Kitty, Kirby, BATIM/BATDR, FPE, AB, HFJONE, PT


Please use tone indicators when speaking to me! An example:

/j = joke

there is a lot more, if I use one you don’t know, let me know!

Wait! Before you go,



Wattpad - chocolateswab (HIATUS)

Discord - toxicnervegas

Roblox - ItzDa_b0mb (auzzzzie)

Tiktok: medkitsofficialsimp (HIATUS)

Twitter/X - chocolateswab